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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 5/20/2019

Select Board Meeting Minutes
Monday, May 20, 2019
7:00 pm Town Hall

Board Members Present: John Robertson, Chair; Michael Genest, Selectman; Robert L. Edwards, Selectman
Staff Present: Donna Hanson, Town Administrator
Others Present: Michael Frosch; Erin Frosch

Agenda Items:
  • Approval of Minutes – Public
Mr. Edwards moved to accept the meeting minutes of May 6, 2019 as printed.  Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Approval of Minutes – Non-Public
Mr. Genest moved to accept the meeting minutes of May 6, 2019 as printed.  Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Authorization to Accept Unanticipated Money
Authorization to Accept Unanticipated Money and Travel Related Expenses from TransAlta Corporation pursuant to RSA 31:95-b and RSA 31:95-e to allow Select Board member Michael Genest to travel to the TransAlta Corporation control center and facilities in Calgary, Alberta, on May 21, 2019.~
Explanation:~ On March 14, 2019, TransAlta Corporation invited one member of the Antrim Select Board to a site visit of TransAlta Corporation’s control center and facilities in Calgary Alberta.~ The total cost of the site visit is expected to be approximately $3,500.00, for air fare and hotel, plus a reasonable allowance for travel related expenses to be reimbursed by TransAlta Corporation.~ The Board will consider whether to accept TransAlta Corporation’s March 14, 2019 offer on behalf of the Town as unanticipated money pursuant to RSA 31:95-b and as non-monetary personal property (e.g. hotel accommodation and meals) pursuant to RSA 31:95-e.~ The Board will also consider whether to approve an allowance for reasonable travel-related expenses to be reimbursed by TransAlta Corporation.~ A copy of TransAlta Corporation’s March 14, 2019 offer is available at Town Hall and will be included with this notice in the minutes of the meeting for May 20, 2019.~ The Town will maintain records of all funds received or expenses reimbursed.~ A public hearing is not required under RSA 31:95-b or under RSA 31:95-e because the total amount will be less than $5,000.~ However, the Board will consider comments from members of the public during its meeting on May 20, 2019 as time and other pending business allow.
Mr. Edwards moved to accept the purpose as stated above. Mr. Roberts seconded. Passed 3/0
Mr. Genest recited questions he would like to ask TransAlta during his trip. Discussion ensued regarding the questions.
  • Meetings Attended
Mr. Edwards attended the Planning Board. The minutes can be found here
Mr. Genest attended the Park and Rec meeting. The minutes can be found here
  • Discarded Vehicles on Town Property
Mr. Frosch said he will buy the property right now for $20,000.00. Ms. Hanson said that legally the town cannot sell the property unless it is sold at auction. Mr. Edwards said that we want you to take your vehicles off town property. Mr. Frosch said if the town insists he do that, then he will take the town to court. He feels he could plead adverse possession. Mr. Robertson stated that an adverse possession claim option expired when the town took over the property due to tax deeding. Mr. Frosch disagreed and reiterated that he will own the property eventually either through auction or litigation. He said if he was forced to remove the vehicles, he will litigate based on NH Statute of adverse possession. Mr. Edwards said that the Select Board is trying to sell property in the best interest of the town. Mr. Frosch asked why the property was pulled from the past auction. Mr. Edwards said it was because Mr. Frosch circulated a flyer at the auction stating that he may sue for adverse possession which chilled the sale. Mr. Edwards said the cars need to be taken off the land so we can get the best value for the property. Mr. Edwards said when the property is put up for auction there will be a minimum bid. Mr. Frosch said bring it on. Mr. Edwards asked if Mr. Frosch ever received a phone call from him in the past regarding what his issue was. Mr. Frosch said he never got a phone call. Mr. Edwards said there will be a minimum bid for the upcoming auction. Erin asked why the vehicles need to be taken off the property now and in the past it didn’t matter. Mr. Edwards said the Select Board feels a responsibility to get maximum value for the property on behalf of the town.  Mr. Robertson thinks we should put it up for auction and explain the situation. Mr. Genest agrees. Mr. Frosch left the meeting saying he hopes it goes to auction.
Mr. Edwards asked if the rest of the properties will be sold at absolute auction. Ms. Hanson said she thought they should be and Mr. Genest agreed. Discussion ensued on live auction versus sealed bids. Ms. Hanson will ask St. Jean Auctioneers for more information about sealed bids. The Select Board will discuss minimum bids on the Hancock Road property.
Administrator Update
  • Mr. Tenney said the cost of flowers for the planters at the front of town hall will now be billed to the town.
  • Mr. Pratt has recommended Ms. Laura Clark be appointed deputy treasurer. Mr. Genest moved to appoint Ms. Laura Clark deputy treasurer. Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Other Business
Ms. Hanson will confirm the substation site walk on Wednesday morning the 22nd.
Mr. Genest moved to approve the salary increases for the police. Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 3/0
Mr. Edwards said he was concerned that Chief Lester was not included in the increases. Mr. Genest and Mr. Robertson said if Chief Lester thought he should be included he would have included a recommendation.
Mr. Edwards said Mr. Wood will report to the Town Administrator on the sign the Historical Society wants to install in town.
A Select Board work session is scheduled for June 5th at 3 pm.
Mr. Genest moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:12 PM; Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 3/0
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Hanson, Town Administrator